Monday, May 3, 2010

Memory Smart Cards - SLE5542, SLE5528

Memory Smart Cards - SLE5542, SLE5528

Price : Rs.52

ACS offers a variety of memory cards that may be used with their various smart card readers/writers. These are the SLE5542 and SLE5528 memory cards.

MEMORY CARD Standard Features

SLE5542 Memory Card Features

* SLE 5542 is 100% functional compatible to SLE 4442
* Intelligent 256-Bytes EEPROM
* Write-protect function
* Programmable Security Code (PSC)
* EEPROM is organized 256 x 8 bit offering the possibility of programmable write protection for each byte
* Data Memory alterable only after verification of 3-Byte Programmable Security Code (PSC)

SLE5528 Memory Card Features

* SLE 5528 is 100% functional compatible to SLE 4428
* 1K byte EEPROM
* Write-protect function
* Programmable Security Code verification logic
* All the memory, except for the PSC, can always be read
* The memory can be written or erased only after PSC verification
* After eight successive incorrect entries the error counter will block any subsequent attempt at PSC verification and hence any possibility to write and erase

To Buy This Product from ChipSilicon Please Contact US -
India Toll Free: 1800-209-2131
Sales: +91-9326170556/4


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